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Licking Regional ESC


Parent Mentor

What is a Parent Mentor?

A parent mentor is a parent of a child with a disability who collaborates with local education agencies and educational service centers to assist school districts and families with providing training, support, and resources. 

How can a Parent Mentor Help you?

Special Education Categories

There are 13 categories of special education as defined by Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA). The evaluation team must determine one of these categories in the PDF in order to qualify for special education.

What is an IEP?

An IEP, Individualized Education Program, outlines the educational services provided to a student with disabilities. This is a written document that establishes the support and services provided to the student. 

What is an ETR?

An ETR, Evaluation Team Report, is a written document that provides appropriate and necessary information that is used to determine the student's eligibility for special education and related services, and the educational needs of the student. The ETR is the initial step, in which then drives the IEP. 

What is Progress Monitoring?

Progress monitoring is a part of a student's IEP and is used to determine if the student is making progress. The monitoring helps determine if the goals of the IEP are attainable and are being met.  

Evaluation Process

The evaluation process may feel long and complicated, with many key components and stops along the way. The Ohio Parent Mentor created this Evaluation Roadmap to help guide your journey. Evaluation_Process.pdf 

What can I expect in an IEP or ETR meeting?

During an IEP meeting, the student's academic team along with the parent or guardian, meet to discuss and share thoughts and suggestions for the educational needs of the child. This will include strengths and talents, as well as the needs of the student. Goals, special education services and related services are also discussed within the contents of the IEP.

The student's academic team with the parent or guardian also meet during the ETR meeting. As mentioned previously, the ETR is the initial step in identifying a disability and determining the appropriate educational needs. The data collected from the ETR sets the agenda for recommendations, in which provides the academic team with necessary information to qualify a student for special education services.

For more information or assistance please contact

Allison Riley


Beth Boyle
